Sunday, September 5, 2010

my new favorite burger.

the hubby and i went to a new place in santa monica called sonoma wine garden. he had the burger and i had a lovely salad with nectarines and burrata. was fabulous. but what i found most interesting was that they put a beet on their burger. i hate beets. hate beets! but i saw it on his burger and thought...hmmmmm....i get it. ketchup is sweet. beets are sweet. i think i see where they are going. i tried a bite, and was won over. so last night - i tried it myself. with bison. to me, ground bison is a winner. its not as gamey tasting as bison steak. and its a leaner meat than cow. its great. here's how to cook a bison burger a la martha. (cooks a little differently than cow cuz its so lean). anyways - i love blue cheese on a burger. and i thought it would be an awesome contrast to the sweet beet. in my opinion, i was right. blue cheese, bison and beets. thats it! no sauce or lettuce or any thing else. - my new favorite burger.

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