Sunday, November 29, 2009

inspired to decorate

every year, we leave for christmas, and therefore i never decorate cuz i feel like its a waste. but it pains me to have no tree or decor up for the holidays. this year, we are doing it differently. we've already got lights up (**thank you love!), and there is some random decor items up, but i'm looking on the internet today and i came across this 1yr old bday party.
and the shower decor from the same lady that did the cool thanksgiving invites (here!) and i'm realizing that its cool to decorate cuz it makes ME happy when i walk in. i came to this realization cuz looking at this decor, doesnt it make the parties look so much more festive? and fun? and make you want to go? so... i'm going big.
today is decor day. i had collected a bunch of pine cones i planned on spray painting silver and sticking EVERYWHERE in the house, but left those in california. so we need to go hunting again today for some more. Also - we have a cute little family coming to house sit over the holidays so they will enjoy the tree. (WE GET TO GET A TREE!!!). and hopefully keep it from being flammable.

on a random side note, i used to have a roommate that loved getting the ugliest xmas tree on the lot and giving it a name. my last tree was when i lived with her and he was called fernando. he was sort of a sad looking charlie brown-like bush/tree. i wonder if the hubby will let me get a bert or bernadette. he'll probably come up with a wayyy catchier name. i'll keep you posted.

i also ran across these cake plates again today. i had seriously researched them when i was planning the wedding, but couldnt bring myself to cough up the $ for them for the wedding. (i wanted 5.) but they still call to me. i think i will have to indulge in just one for myself as a girly treat. someday. they are found here...clara french

1 comment:

  1. I decorated the Cambridge apartment yesterday even though I'm only going to be here for a few days this month. Everything's plastic from Target and T.J. Maxx (except the marabou ribbon I'm using for "snow") so no freshness issues. Still, it made me happy.
